Home page

Welcome to Mrs. Money Hacker. A blog about helping people see money differently. Not just about how to invest but how to build a life you love.

I’m a Canadian who fell in love with Ireland (and my now-husband) on my first visit in 2005. After backpacking for a while, we split our time between Canada and Ireland. We were in Canada from 2007-2014, Ireland from 2014-2023, and more recently made the move back to Canada.

During that time, we passed a few life and financial milestones.

In this order: We purchased our first property, moved back to Ireland, got married, bought and renovated our second property, had a baby, discovered the FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) movement, started an online business/blog, took a mini-retirement trial in Portugal, took a mini-retirement in Canada, sold our property in Canada, went down to one part-time income with Mr. MH becoming a full-time stay-at-home Dad, burnt out and got diagnosed with autism, moved back to Canada and are now trialling semi-retirement.

When I started my FIRE journey, I struggled to find Irish-specific content on investing and working towards FI following the popular passive investing approach through exchange-traded funds (ETFs). This blog was started to share my research in plain English as well as my own journey to FI and ultimately help others look at money differently in order to live a simpler, more purposeful life.

Member’s Area

By signing up you gain access to all the latest spreadsheets which have taken hundreds of hours to create and fine-tune over the last number of years.

These spreadsheets formed the basis of my personal consultations and analysis for which clients paid up to 450€ to complete. As my mission for this blog is to help as many people as possible, and my time is limited, I wanted to make these available to a broader audience at a more accessible price. All spreadsheets have been updated in Dec 2023.

Want to know more before deciding? Check out this page for more details and a sneak peek of what you’ll get.

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Follow me on Facebook and Instagram and NOW YouTube.

On Facebook, I share inspiring or interesting financial and lifestyle articles I come across as well as most new posts from the blog. On Instagram, I share more personal pics of our life on our journey to financial independence. On YouTube, I will share more of the same type of content from the blog but in video format.


I’ve also appeared on a few podcasts and online webinars if you’d like to check them out, a full listing here.

Favourite FI Resources:

A listing of some of my favourite financial independence resources can be found here.

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