I was interviewed on the Superb Diamond Range podcast

I know I am overdue a post. Things have been a tad crazy on the home front but should be calming down now in the next week or so and I hope to get back to posting more regularly.

In the meantime, I was on the Superb Diamond Range podcast today talking all things financial independence, pensions, and investing in Ireland in general.

It’s a LONG one (surprise, surprise), so skip to the points you’re interested in.

Full range of topics and quick links below:

Background 2:30

Why I started the blog 5:02

What first got me investing 6:50

What got me working towards financial independence 9:41

How easy it is to invest in Ireland 13:48

What ETFs I’m investing in and why 15:40

Why I’m not investing in bonds 20:50

What investment incentives are available in Ireland 23:44

My beef with pensions 26:24

On being non-conformist and a bit more about our move back to Ireland from Canada 33:08

Why I like Ireland 36:51

Tips if you do invest in a pension 42:07

Why we bought a house instead of renting 47:08

Why paying down your mortgage instead of investing can be a quicker path to financial independence 48:50

Thoughts on investing in property in Ireland 53:06

On the best way to invest a lump sum 57:03

On what my friends/family/colleagues thinks about personal finance 1:01:12

My views on consumer debt and should you invest while you have other debts 1:04:52

On refinancing your mortgage or releasing equity 1:07:57

Book recommendation: 1:12:12

Favourite video games: 1:17:16

Top tips for a 20-something thinking of investing 1:20:05

3 thoughts on “I was interviewed on the Superb Diamond Range podcast”

  1. Great interview! Appreciate being so authentic as well.

    I have similar thinking around valuation (that US is overvalued), being a non-conformist myself. Also came across a good discussion on this topic as well https://www.reddit.com/r/eupersonalfinance/comments/i8vuvm/the_case_for_vanguard_ftse_allworld_ucits_etf/.

    Also considering paying down more mortgage as I’d like to reduce my exposure to property.

    And happy to hear that bank of Ireland gave greenlight for giving general coaching, which is also what I’m aiming for 🙂


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