How to feel better about paying taxes

Delve into the world of investments and financial independence and it won’t be long before you come across mention of tax efficiency and legal ways to avoid taxes, and perhaps even illegal ways if you look long enough. I have researched these topics endlessly myself trying to find the most tax-effective path to financial independence … Read more

How to create a budget without impacting happiness

This post goes into the psychology of money, the recipe for human happiness as well as ways you can use this knowledge to build a sustainable budget without impacting your happiness. You can also view this on YouTube. Happiness is relative Vicki Robin, author of the New York Times bestseller Your Money or Your Life, … Read more

I’m presenting at the first online Irish FIRE event

I’m excited to announce that I will be presenting at the first online Irish FIRE event! The virtual event is on Saturday the 26th of September and will run for 4 hours! I will be presenting alongside Michael Houghton from The Irish FIRE Podcast, Alvar from the Financial Independence Europe Podcast, Dave G who co-hosts … Read more